
Criptografía diplomática, política y militar en México (1813-1926)

Por: Roberto R. Narváez

$ 49.15

ITEM: 190994
Narváez, Roberto R. CRIPTOGRAFÍA DIPLOMÁTICA, POLÍTICA Y MILITAR EN MÉXICO (1813-1926). / Roberto R. Narváez Ciudad de México : Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, 2019. 495 pages : 23 cm. Bibliography: [475]-485 pages. Includes bibliographic references. ISBN 9786074461527.
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Información del producto

A historical investigation of the use of cryptography in Mexican diplomatic, political and military communications mainly focusing from 1813 until 1926, however, having a brief introduction to cryptography during the Spanish Colonial era. It analyzes notable cryptographic examples of different Mexican historical periods.

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