Imágenes sagradas

Por: Ángel González López.

$ 26.80

ITEM: 177459
González López, Ángel, IMÁGENES SAGRADAS : ICONOGRAFÍA EN ESCULTURAS DE PIEDRA DEL RECINTO SAGRADO DE TENOCHTITLAN Y EL MUSEO ETNOGRÁFICO. / Ángel González López. México, D.F. : Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Proyecto Templo Mayor, 2015. 449 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm. Bibliography: pages 425-449. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 9786074845624.
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Información del producto

Proposes new method for identifying and interpreting 152 Aztec stone sculptures human figures, animals, fantastic creatures and ceremonial instruments found during excavations in Mexico City Templo Mayor site. Based on iconographic and comparative analysis and available documentary sources, argues existence of organizing principles that governed use of these figures in religious, political and historic contexts. Includes catalog with photographs and drawings of artifacts studied.

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