Los corridos pendencieros de Pancho Madrigal


$ 19.85

ITEM: 118178
LOS CORRIDOS PENDENCIEROS DE PANCHO MADRIGAL : CORRIDOS HUMORÍSTICOS. / El Colegio de Jalisco (editor). Jalisco, México  : El Colegio de Jalisco, 2002. 88 pages ; 21 cm. ISBN : 9686255753.
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Información del producto

The corridos were a fundamental part of Mexican popular narrative, each acquiring different nuances, some going towards verses, others towards tragedies, but all with the intention of being sung, danced or recited. In this compendium of corridos it is divided into three fundamental periods: the first dating from the last quarter of the 19th century, the second throughout the Mexican Revolution and the third around 1930, when it began to lose its popular character, becoming cultish and artificial. The corridos contained here mark another period, the Pancho Madrigal's one, a musician and composer from Guadalajara, who brings compositions mainly of a humorous nature.

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