
Imperio, revolución y caricaturas

Por: Juan Manuel Aurrecoechea.

$ 26.45

ITEM: 179502
Aurrecoechea, Juan Manuel, IMPERIO, REVOLUCIÓN Y CARICATURAS : EL MÉXICO BÁRBARO DE JOHN T. MCCUTCHEON. / Juan Manuel Aurrecoechea. Ciudad de México : Secretaría de Cultura : Itaca, 2016. 331 pages : illustrations; 23 cm. Bibliography: pages 321-331. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 9786079722531 (Itaca) ; 9786077454090 (Secretaría de Cultura).
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Studies relationship between memory, image and history in US-Mexican relations in early 20th century, based on close iconographic study of works by Pulitzer prize-winning American political cartoonist (1870-1949). Points to underlying currents of imperialism, colonialism and racism in his work and that of his contemporaries.

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