Aportes teóricos y etnográficos para el estudio del conflicto y la gestión en territorios Latinoamericanos

$ 13.00

ITEM: 189910
APORTES TEÓRICOS Y ETNOGRÁFICOS PARA EL ESTUDIO DEL CONFLICTO Y LA GESTIÓN EN TERRITORIOS LATINOAMERICANOS. / Ernesto Licona Valencia, Mariana Figueroa Castelán, Gabriela Ruiz Velázquez (coordinators). Puebla, México : Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Dirección General de Publicaciones ; Etnograf Gestión y Cultura, 2019. 166 pages : includes photos, tables, maps references at the end of each chapter ; 21 cm. ISBN  9786075256078.
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The construction and defense of the territory is the construction and defense of identity, history, memory; Intervening and even renewing it becomes a daily task. Faced with a context submerged by a wave of global capitalist problems such as “aesthetic-functional” urbanism, gentrification and territorial dispossession, the active intervention of academic spheres has become necessary to explain and combat the phenomenon. With the purpose of substantiating, from their significant and operational bases, theoretical and analytical elements that contribute to citizens emerging as creative, regulatory and decisive devices, this compilation of texts is presented.

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