El 5 de mayo: Periódico del Estado de Sinaloa, 1866
$ 58.60
ITEM: 192318
EL 5 DE MAYO : PERIÓDICO DEL ESTADO DE SINALOA, 1866. / Nicolás Vidales Soto (compilator). Zapopan, Jalisco, México : El Colegio de Jalisco ; Culiacán, Sinaloa, México : Creativos7 Editorial, 1998. 180 pages : includes illustration ; 28 cm. ISBN : 9686142703.
Product information
El 5 de mayo was a four-page weekly published in Culiacán in 1866 that was responsible for reporting in detail and accurately on the events that occurred during the French intervention war in Sinaloa. Its circulation is often ignored by most scholars because its circulation was limited, and its recovered edition is thanks to José María Muriá and Angélica Peregrina. This transcription allows a careful analysis of the divided content, since it is also divided into seven sections and is the most complete compilation –despite the lack of number 28–, since numbers 15 and 18 were recovered by the University of Sonora.
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