Espacio, sociedad e historia en el Culiacán porfirista (1877-1911)

$ 33.45

ITEM: 192312
ESPACIO, SOCIEDAD E HISTORIA EN EL CULIACÁN PORFIRISTA (1877-1911) : UNA VISIÓN MULTIFACTORIAL DE TRES DÉCADAS DE EVOLUCIÓN. / Daniel Chiquete. Culiacán, Sinaloa, México : Gobierno de Sinaloa ; Centro Histórico y Comercial de Culiacán ; Creativos7Editorial,  2017. 260 pages : includes photos ; 21 cm.
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With this research, the author intends to expose the most relevant urban-architectural changes that occurred in the city of Culiacán during the Porfiriato (1877-1911), highlighting the sociocultural components that most influenced this transformation process. In addition to this, interpretative reflections are proposed on this spatial change as a sociocultural phenomenon within a historical context without which it would not be understandable. This work is not, strictly speaking, about the history of architecture and urban planning (although this background is essential), but rather an exposition and analysis of the fundamental sociocultural changes to better understand the general history of Culiacán.

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