La festividad indígena dedicada a los muertos en México: Obra maestra del patrimonio oral e intangible de la humanidad

$ 33.25

ITEM: 130538
LA FESTIVIDAD INDÍGENA DEDICADA A LOS MUERTOS EN MÉXICO : OBRA MAESTRA DEL PATRIMONIO ORAL E INTANGIBLE DE LA HUMANIDAD. / México, D.F. : Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes ; Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2005. 172 pages : includes color photos, illustrations, bibliography ; 28 cm. ISBN : 9703509908.
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With the objective of supporting national efforts dedicated to promoting and disseminating one of the most important cultural complexes of contemporary indigenous populations, this work was unveiled, as a sample of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity of the Mexican holiday of Day of dead. This festival is considered one of the most important cultural manifestations of indigenous community life, since it constitutes one of the central nuclei of both the identity and worldview of each group, as well as its social and political life. This edition has color photographs, illustrations and is also a bilingual English-Spanish edition.

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