Las relaciones México-Estados Unidos en la coyuntura actual

$ 20.50

ITEM: 189588
LAS RELACIONES MÉXICO-ESTADOS UNIDOS EN LA COYUNTURA ACTUAL. / Mario Miguel Carrillo Huerta (coordinator). Puebla, México : Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla ; Instituto de Ciencias de Gobierno y Desarrollo Estratégico ; Buenos Aires, Argentina : Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales, 2017. 298 pages : includes photos, tables, charts, maps, bibliography at the end of each chapter ; 22 cm. ISBN :  9786075254494.
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Product information

The ICGDE-BUAP proposed organizing a Colloquium on Mexico-United States Relations in which its researchers designed a short-term research agenda that would contribute to informed discussion of the effects that different future scenarios of relations between both countries could have on various aspects of the social life of Mexicans. A total of 22 papers were presented, of which 18 are included in this book, reviewed and corrected by their authors. The aspects on which the most emphasis is placed are politics, trade issues and human rights (mainly associated with migration).

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