
Lengua, cosmovisión y re-existencia de los pueblos de Abya Yala

$ 58.55

ITEM: 200699
LAS LENGUAS DEL DIABLO: LENGUA, COSMOVISIÓN Y RE-EXISTENCIA DE LOS PUEBLOS DE ABYA YALA. / José R. Bessa Freire (y 6 más). José Luis Romero (editor). Second printing. Ciudad de México, México : Grupo Escorpión, 2020.  117 pages : includes bibliography ; 28 cm. ISBN : in tramit.
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Result of the communal work of its authors and filmmakers to highlight the importance of the relegated languages of the native peoples of South America since colonial times. Exposing the problems faced by the very subsistence of the members of communities in Kaigáng, Mè'phàà, Nahua, Tzeltal, Wayuu and Quechua territories, a critique is made of the society that marginalizes them, as well as a demonstration to demand their right to the preservation of traditions, customs and language, exalting its transcendence, importance and beauty.

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