Manual de lenguaje inclusivo

By: Cedillo Ramírez

$ 16.50

ITEM: 198940
MANUAL DE LENGUAJE INCLUSIVO. / Cedillo Ramírez, María Lilia (foreword). Puebla, Mexico : Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla , Facultad de Filosofía y Letras , Dirección Institucional de Igualdad de Género, 2023. 56 pages : includes illustration, tables, bibliography ; 21 cm. ISBN : 9798375042176.
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Inclusive language accounts for the evolution of the expressions of what speakers want to communicate today, assuming from their different conditions of language, speech and expressiveness of identities that in the past had only been named in the marginality. The word not only designates the object, the word gives voice, gives power and the capacity for action, the power of words from inclusive language opposes discrimination, exclusion, and disparagement. This manual is not an invitation to be politically correct, but rather to commit to sensitive language that names and dignifies populations that have historically been made invisible, violated, and stigmatized.

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