Movilidades y Migrantes Internacionales

$ 42.75

ITEM: 189074
MOVILIDADES Y MIGRANTES INTERNACIONALES : REFLEXIONES SOBRE CAMPOS DE RELACIONES SOCIO-ECONÓMICAS EN COMUNIDADES DE MIGRANTES EN MÉXICO Y ESTADOS UNIDOS. / Norma Baca Tavira, Ariel Mojica Madrigal (coordinators). Barcelona, España : Editorial Gedisa ; Biblioteca Iberoamericana de Pensamiento, 2018. 353 pages : includes tables, chart, map, references at the end of each chapter ; 23 cm. ISBN : 9788417341763.
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In order to provide relevant information to explain migration processes taking into account the specificity of the reference regions, this compilation of works was carried out by 17 researchers. The axis of these texts revolves around migration and its collateral effects such as the return of migrants due to deportation, racism, child migration and passage alternatives for Latin American migrants. These studies aim to expose the changes registered in the sites of expulsion and destination, as well as open debates about the categories and concepts to explain the complexity that mobilities and migrations pose.

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