Mujeres migrantes en el Soconusco
By: Nancy Pérez García, Genoveva Roldán Dávila, coordinación.
$ 29.10
ITEM: 186607
MUJERES MIGRANTES EN EL SOCONUSCO : SITUACIÓN DE SU DERECHO A LA SALUD, A LA IDENTIDAD Y AL TRABAJO. / Nancy Pérez García, Genoveva Roldán Dávila (coordinators). México, D.F. : Iniciativa Ciudadana y Desarrollo Social, 2011 150 pages : includes photos, tables, bibliography ; 23 cm.
Product information
The immigration issue in Mexico has surpassed the high level of invisibility it found in the early 2000s, explained by various negative experiences in which the country has been involved: xenophobic and racist policies by the United States, as well as kidnappings and deaths of Mexican and Central American migrants. This research focuses on women from Soconusco, a region of the state of Chiapas, and seeks to develop a diagnosis to improve the conditions in which migrant women in this region find themselves; in addition to focusing attention on the protection and respect of three of the main rights of migrant women: identity, employment and health.
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