Porfirio Díaz y Teodoro A. Dehesa : 1898-1899


$ 48.00

ITEM: 184267
PORFIRIO DÍAZ Y TEODORO A. DEHESA : 1898-1899. / Esperanza Toral Freyre. Veracruz, México : Gobierno del Estado de Veracruz , Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Veracruz ; Editorial Las Ánimas, 2013. 431 pages : includes color photos, bibliography ; 24 cm. ISBN : 9786079246204.
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The Porfiriato has been characterized by different authors as a personalist, authoritarian and extremely complex regime. Historiography has sought the historical rehabilitation of this long period and has resized it as a fundamental stage in the modern history of Mexico. The work presented here arises from the unpublished correspondence between Porfirio Díaz and Teodoro A.Dehesa in 1899, who was governor of the state of Veracruz from 1892 to 1911. These letters allow us to see an approach to intimacy and the thinking of the leaders, who with the passage of time take their relationship by correspondence to more familiar borders, taking into account matters that can even touch the private.

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