Una selva tan infinita: Teoría de la novela corta
By: Elsa Brondo, José Cardona-López, Gustavo Jiménez Aguirre, Gabriel Enríquez Hernández
$ 33.15
ITEM: 195987
UNA SELVA TAN INFINITA : TEORÍA DE LA NOVELA CORTA : DESLINDES Y REFLEXIONES, VOL. 5 / Gustavo Jiménez Aguirre, Gabriel Enríquez Hernández (coordinators) ; Elsa Brondo, José Cardona-López (editors). Ciudad de México, México : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México , Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas , Centro de Poética, 2022. 392 pages : includes tables, charts, notes, bibliography ; 22 cm. Ediciones Especiales 124. ISBN : 9786073056205.
Product information
In this fifth volume of "Una selva tan infinita", its collaborators focus on making a theoretical and critical inquiry that has taken place during the XX and XXI centuries in Latin America and its studies coming from American and European traditions. It is part of a project that deals with studying and disseminating the short novel in Mexico. Since literature is not a phenomenon that can be replicated in a laboratory as an object of study of a general theory, but rather an expression that requires observation of its multiple forms and constant interpretation, this volume brings together unpublished theoretical approaches to the short novel and recognized by critics.
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