Historia de la revolución mexicana, 1914-1917: La constitución de 1917, Tomo 6
By: Berta Ulloa.
Original price was: $ 18.30.$ 9.65Current price is: $ 9.65.
ITEM: 117316
HISTORIA DE LA REVOLUCIÓN MEXICANA, 1914-1917 : LA CONSTITUCIÓN DE 1917, TOMO 6. / Berta Ulloa. Second print. México, D.F. : El Colegio de México, 2005. 569 pages : includes photos, illustrations, tables, references, bibliographic references, analytic index, bibliography ; 21 cm. (Colección Historia de la Revolución Mexicana). ISBN : 96812023250 (collection) ; 96812023250 (volumen).
Product information
This is volume 6 of the History of the Mexican Revolution Collection, published by El Colegio de México, which covers the years 1914 to 1917. This period of time covers the government of Venustiano Carranza from his departure from the port of Veracruz until the proclamation of the Constitution of 1917, in which the ideals of the revolutionaries were embodied. Most of the chapters are dedicated to the analysis of the main problems of the country that caused the revolution, which the Carranza government tried to solve first by decrees and then by reforming the Constitution of 1857. This study is accompanied by photographs, data tables, and illustrations.
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