¡Por fin… ya podemos elegir y ser electas!
By: Enriqueta Tuñón Pablos.
Original price was: $ 37.20.$ 25.65Current price is: $ 25.65.
ITEM: 118296
¡POR FIN... YA PODEMOS ELEGIR Y SER ELECTAS!. / Enriqueta Tuñón Pablos. México, D.F. : Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes , Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia ; Plaza y Valdés Editores, 2002. 305 pages : includes tables, references, notes, bibliographic references, bibliography ; 26 cm. (Colección Historia). ISBN : 9701883187.
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This study describes and analyzes the process by which Mexican women obtained the right to vote and be voted for. The work focuses on elucidating whether women undertook any movement with this aim and analyzing whether this influenced the decision adopted by Adolfo Ruiz Cortines in 1953, when he sent to the chambers a bill aimed at granting women the right to vote. The author seeks to overcome the perspective of official history, which only sees the issue incorporated into the sum of presidential actions of the period, and to fill an existing gap in the knowledge of the participation of social subjects in national history, from the point of view of women.
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