Mujeres africanas y afrodescendientes: Experiencias de esclavitud y libertad en América Latina y África (Siglos XVI al XIX)

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ITEM: 180314
MUJERES AFRICANAS Y AFRODESCENDIENTES : EXPERIENCIAS DE ESCLAVITUD Y LIBERTAD EN AMÉRICA LATINA Y ÁFRICA. SIGLOS XVI AL XIX. / María Elisa Velázquez y Carolina González Undurruaga  (coordinators). México, D.F. : Gobierno de México, Secretaría de Cultura , Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2016. 343 pages : includes references, maps, charts, tables, bibliography at the end of each chapter ; 21 cm. (Colección Africanía). ISBN : 9786074848021.
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In past decades, research on transatlantic African slavery focused on men, arguing that the trade in enslaved people had been primarily male due to demand for mining, ranching, and plantation work. It was in 2011 when the idea arose to invite a group of specialists on the history of women and slavery to write about particular cases of African and/or Afro-descendant women, free or slaves in Latin America and Africa. The result is this book, the content of which is nine articles organized into 2 sections: “Experiences of slavery” and “Experiences of freedom.”

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