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    Mexican literature blog

    In this blog we share knowledge, experiences and opinions of some of the Mexican publications that we have been distributing around the world for more than 40 years.

    The fascination with cemeteries: reflections from Panteón Jardín

    Panteón Jardín is located in San Ángel, Mexico City, and was established over 80 years ago in 1941. It’s vast and has so many sections that it’s easy to get lost among the crypts and corridors where the remains of ordinary people and artists from Mexican cinema, music, and the rest of the arts are kept. […]

    Festival Sol Quieto: A Celebration of Music, Poetry, and Community

    The Monument to the Bicentennial of National Independence in Mexico is better known as the “Estela de Luz” because, at night, it lights up and becomes part of the city’s landscape, thanks to its impressive height of 104 meters and 6 meters wide. Located on Paseo de la Reforma, it’s colloquially known as the “suavicrema” […]

    Del silencio al estruendo  Sara Sefchovich

    Throughout the history of humanity, women and the fact of being women have been overlooked—until very recently. It’s important to make this distinction because those who haven’t thought about it should: education—both at home and in school—is almost entirely conceived from the male perspective. Women have had to understand the world through the lens of men. This perspective […]