Trabajadores indocumentados mexicanos y derechos humanos

By: Jorge A Vargas.

$ 23.85

ITEM: 119550
Vargas, Jorge A. ABUSOS DE LA PATRULLA FRONTERIZA DE ESTADOS UNIDOS, TRABAJADORES INDOCUMENTADOS MEXICANOS Y DERECHOS HUMANOS. / Jorge A Vargas. México, D.F.: Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos, 2002. 127 pages:  22 cm. Includes bibliographic references. ISBN 9706442693.
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Provides historical, geographical and economic context of Mexican migration and regional magnet for immigrants from Latin America. Details origin and evolution of the U.S. Border Patrol, its criminalization of immigrants, death toll during its operation, and new juridical philosophies stemming from international human rights conventions and organizations.

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