
Category: ART, CARTOON

$ 23.80

ITEM: 190713
CHINCARAY. / Diego Teo. Ciudad de México, México : Gobierno de México, Secretaría de Cultura , Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 2019. [64 unnumbered pages] : includes color illustrations ; 22 cm. (Colección Vacaciones de trabajo).
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Product information

Diego Teo studied Visual Art at ENAP, and professionally focuses on drawing, deploying it in various productions such as ceramics or drawing books. He is a founding member of the Cráter Indido Cooperative and has been a teacher at the National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving, as well as giving various workshops in Oaxaca. In this series of illustrations where blue, yellow and black are the predominant colors, the story is told of two girls who, after being in a quiet pool, embark on a journey that takes them to the confines of the ancient world of pre-hispanic mythology.

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