Contingencia migratoria en Ciudad Juárez
By: Óscar Armando Esparza Del Villar
$ 19.75
ITEM: 197036
CONTINGENCIA MIGRATORIA EN CIUDAD JUÁREZ : CONTEXTO DE LA MIGRACIÓN DE SOLICITANTES DE PROTECCIÓN INTERNACIONAL (2018-2020). / Óscar Armando Esparza Del Villar, Marisela Gutiérrez Vega (coordinators). Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México : Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, 2022. 147 pages : includes tables, graphics, references, bibliography at the end of each chapter ; 22 cm. ISBN : 9786075204390.
Product information
This research and analysis work penetrates into the depths of sensations and emotions, as it analyzes not only migration numbers and figures, but also migrants as individuals. It should be noted that this text specifically covers the years 2018-2020, since the migratory flows at that time were different from those that began to occur after the COVID-19 pandemic. The main topics covered in this title range from psychological aspects such as the fear and anguish experienced by those who migrate, to the risks they encounter on their journey, as well as the problems faced by governments that are overwhelmed by the high demand for humanitarian asylum.
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