El pensamiento mesoamericano en el debate filosófico
$ 45.00
ITEM: 137207
EL PENSAMIENTO MESOAMERICANO EN EL DEBATE FILOSÓFICO. / Luis Miguel Gallardo Salazar. Xalapa, Veracruz, México : Universidad Veracruzana, 2007. 370 pages : includes photos, references, bibliography ; 21 cm. (Colección Biblioteca Universidad Veracruzana). ISBN : 9688347868.
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The topic of national identity was a central topic of discussion during the XX century, since it not only has to do with theoretical definitions, but also with regard to the practical implications that derive from the difficulty of developing a project proposal. national. Here the problem of national identity is raised based on the fact that through the violence of the Conquest an asymmetric relationship was established between Mesoamerican and Western civilizations. Starting from classic Western philosophical texts, the author analyzes the characteristics of Mesoamerican thought and action in areas of philosophy, always from the dualistic perspective that characterized it.
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