Etnohistoria de la tierra caliente: Los grupos indígenas de Sinaloa al momento del contacto español

$ 47.50

ITEM: 141191
ETNOHISTORIA DE LA TIERRA CALIENTE : LOS GRUPOS INDÍGENAS DE SINALOA AL MOMENTO DEL CONTACTO ESPAÑOL. / John Phillip Carpenter Slavens. Culiacán, Sinaloa, México : Gobierno del Estado de Sinaloa , Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sinaloa ; La Crónica de Sinaloa ; Dirección de Investigación y Fomento de la Cultura Regional, 2007. 85 pages : includes maps, references, bibliography ; 21 cm. ISBN : 9789687300973.
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The history of the spanish conquest of the northwestern coast of Mexico was brutal as no other region of the country was as quickly and completely decimated as the coastal plain of Nayarit and Sinaloa, leaving very little information about the indigenous groups of this region. The few settlers who survived the conquest were almost exterminated by contagious diseases brought by the Europeans for which they had no immunological defenses. Drawing on accounts of the conquest and the work of specialized demographers, the author traces the numerous tribes of the northwest at the time of contact and describes their settlement pattern, economic organization, and funerary customs.

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