La hélice en rojo de mi corazón gravita

By: Niño, Melissa

$ 18.70

ITEM: 198053
LA HÉLICE EN ROJO DE MI CORAZÓN GRAVITA. / Melissa Niño. Guadalajara, México : Espina Dorsal, 2022. 54 pages : includes illustration ; 17 cm. (Colección Amnios). ISBN : 9786079974107.
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Melissa Niño finds a way to convert what she sees in telescopes into words, mixing it with her vision of reality, resulting in this volume of the Colección Amnios. Promoted by several artistic creation grants, including FONCA Young Creators 2020/2019, and inspired by the sky and a mission of the European Space Agency, the author presents a series of poems in postcard format, in free verse and occasionally accompanied by an illustration. Her poems, short and simple, but powerful, guide the reader on a kind of space journey, in which the author is the helmsman and the reader the only crew member.

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