La Rebelión de las cañadas Origen y ascenso del EZLN
By: Carlos Tello Díaz.
Original price was: $ 30.80.$ 20.95Current price is: $ 20.95.
ITEM: 100196
Tello Díaz, Carlos, LA REBELIÓN DE LAS CAñADAS : ORIGEN Y ASCENSO DEL EZLN. / Carlos Tello Díaz (1962 - ) México, D.F.: Aguilar, León y Cal Editores, 2000. 347 pages : 23 cm. Bibliography: pages 335-342. Includes bibliographic references. ISBN 9684932782.
Product information
Describes origin of and events leading to 1994 EZLN rebellion in Chiapas. Based on testimonies of people involved in the formation, evolution and development of one of the most referential social and armed movements in recent Mexican history.
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