La Revolución y los revolucionarios. Tomo I, parte dos: Maderismo


$ 22.50

ITEM: 134242
LA REVOLUCIÓN Y LOS REVOLUCIONARIOS, TOMO I, PARTE DOS : MADERISMO. / José C. Valadés México, D.F. : Instituto Nacional de Estudios Históricos de la Revolución Mexicana, 2006. 671 pages : includes references, bibliography ; 23 cm. (Colección Memorias y Testimonios). ISBN : 9706287760.
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The Memories and Testimonies collection has the purpose of disseminating and promoting interest in reading fundamental documents of national history; For this purpose, writings from various actors in the historical processes of the 20th century in Mexico were recovered. Each text is a living testimony full of details of the time they describe, giving an original style to its narration. This volume compiles articles, interviews and reports by José C. Valadés, and it is Volume I Part Two that covers the timeline of Maderismo, covering topics such as the 1910 Revolution in Sinaloa, divisions among the Maderistas and unpublished documents on the death of Francisco I. Madero, among others.

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