Las condiciones de la participación social en la educación: Alcances y límites
By: Marcos Jacobo Estrada Ruiz
$ 28.95
ITEM: 176712
LAS CONDICIONES DE LA PARTICIPACIÓN SOCIAL EN LA EDUCACIÓN : ALCANCES Y LÍMITES. / Marcos Jacobo Estrada Ruiz (coordinator). México, Sonora : El Colegio de Sonora ; México, D.F. : Juan Pablos Editor, 2015. 327 pages : includes tables, charts, bibliography at the end of each chapter ; 21 cm. ISBN : 9786077775850 (El Colegio de Sonora) ; 9786077113225 (Juan Pablos Editor).
Product information
The texts presented here interweave perspectives that address the issue of social participation in education and its results, contributing to a better understanding of what has happened since its implementation in approximately 1995. The concept of “social participation” discussed here It is related to school affairs based on the National Agreement for the Modernization of Basic Education. The interest of the authors is to contribute with their work to enrich the topic of education in order to generate and disseminate new knowledge, through theoretical, methodological, empirical and intervention aspects.
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