Los indios ante la justicia local


$ 30.50

ITEM: 190014
LOS INDIOS ANTE LA JUSTICIA LOCAL : INTÉRPRETES, OFICIALES Y LITIGANTES EN NUEVA ESPAÑA Y GUATEMALA (SIGLOS XVI-XVIII). / Yanna Yannakakis, Martina Schrader-Kniffki, Luis Alberto Arrioja Díaz Viruell (editors). Zamora, Michoacán, México : El Colegio de Michoacán ; Atlanta, Estados Unidos : Emory University, 2019. 287 pages : includes maps, tables,  index, bibliography ; 23 cm. (Colección Investigaciones). ISBN : 9786075440705 (volumen) ; 6075440704 (collection).
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The emerging field of legal history requires a methodology that takes into account how universal legal regimes were configured in light of local and regional practices, as well as the production of cross-cultural legal meanings. The colonial legal system provided suitable measures to control and dominate the indigenous population and provided spaces for both individuals and corporations to represent and defend their own interests. This title integrates information to understand the dialogue between colonial justice and the indigenous world, with the intention of showing the links and deals made by the Indians of New Spain and Guatemala during the XVI and XVIII centuries.

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