Los rostros del conservadurismo mexicano
$ 25.65
ITEM: 129538
LOS ROSTROS DEL CONSERVADURISMO MEXICANO. / Renée de la Torre, Marta Eugenia García Ugarte, Juan Manuel Ramírez Sáiz (compilators). México, D.F. : Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, 2005. 473 pages : references, bibliographic references, bibliography at the end of each chapter, semblances ; 23 cm. (Publicaciones de la Casa Chata). ISBN : 9684965559.
Product information
The texts presented here are dedicated to presenting the different perspectives that conservatism in Mexico acquired from the XIX century to the beginning of the XXI century. The authors gathered here review the different characters that throughout history have influenced conservatism in Mexico: centralists, traditionalists, Hispanicists, nationalists, fundamentalists, right-wingers, neo-conservatives, among others; this with the aim of showing that their presence in politics, society and Mexican culture is not a matter of the past, but rather adapts to the present to prefigure the future.
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