Los talleres del ferrocarril en Aguascalientes

By: Marlene Barba Rodríguez

$ 47.20

ITEM: 199015
LOS TALLERES DEL FERROCARRIL EN AGUASCALIENTES : HISTORIA, ARQUITECTURA Y MEMORIA OBRERA. / Marlene Barba Rodríguez. Aguascalientes, México : Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes , Instituto Cultural de Aguascalientes, 2022. 279 pages : photos, color photos, plans, maps, bibliography ; 26 cm. ISBN : 9786078782925 (UAA) ; 9786078869084 (ICA).
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Until 1884, in Aguascalientes the main economic activity carried out was agriculture, there were 41 industrial establishments in the state, of which 37 were in the city. In 1885 the situation changed with the arrival of the Great Central Mexican Foundry, since the total number of employees in the sum of industries was 1025, while the foundry alone employed 1000 workers. This historical tour is accompanied by photographs, plans, tables, maps and is divided into three parts: the history of the railroad in Aguascalientes, the architecture it brought with it and the memory of the workers who were part of this project.

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