Restauración de la catedral de México

$ 89.95

ITEM: 134528
RESTAURACIÓN DE LA CATEDRAL DE MÉXICO. / México, D.F. : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México , Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial ; Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 2006. 156 pages : includes color photos, notes ; 27 cm. (Colección Hacia un país de lectores). ISBN : 9703511333.
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The Cathedral of Mexico is a testimony to the diversity of artistic manifestations, to the talent of architects, sculptors, artists and creators who managed to build the most important religious monument in Latin America; Its protection, conservation and restoration represents a challenge that is faced daily. CONACULTA, in collaboration with the UNAM, presents this publication with color photographs of the Cathedral and its restoration process, with the desire to promote a conscious, deep and participatory appreciation of the historical roots of Mexico and that, through knowledge and dissemination, its permanence is achieved for future generations.

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