
Matrices de insumo-producto en estados del norte de México

By: Noé Arón Fuentes Flores.

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ITEM: 120932
MATRICES DE INSUMO-PRODUCTO DE LOS ESTADOS FRONTERIZOS DEL NORTE DE MÉXICO. / Noé Arón Fuentes Flores. México, D.F. : Plaza y Valdés Editores ; Baja California, México : Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, 2002. 168 pages : includes tables, charts, graphics ; 22 cm. ISBN : 9707222018. 
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Analytical study on estimates of the Input-Output Matrix (IOM) in states of the northern border of Mexico. It presents various regional results and the participation of various population groups in the creation of regional planning tools. The objectives of this title are to make known the estimates of the matrices, to disseminate the results of the empirical application of the input-output system at the regional level and to facilitate the participation of broader groups in the discussion on the creation of regional planning instruments.

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