Migración México-Estados Unidos: Implicaciones y retos para ambos países

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ITEM: 131343
MIGRACIÓN MÉXICO-ESTADOS UNIDOS : IMPLICACIONES Y RETOS AMBOS PAÍSES. / Elena Zúñiga Herrera, Jesús Arroyo Alejandre, Agustín Escobar Latapí, Gustavo Verduzco Igartúa (coordinators). México, D.F. : Consejo Nacional de Población ; Universidad de Guadalajara ; Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social ; Casa Juan Pablos ; El Colegio de México, 2006. 355 pages : includes tables, charts, maps, bibliographic references, bibliography ; 23 cm. ISBN : 9706288422.
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The set of articles compiled here present the most recent findings on the demographic, social, economic and political implications of migration from Mexico to the United States. Regarding the demographic impacts, it takes into account the migratory processes that have led to Latinos being currently the first ethnic minority in the United States, the magnitude and scale that mexican migration has reached, its contemporary processes and a series of prospective scenarios on the evolution of the phenomenon. On the other hand, issues of immigration policy in both Mexico and the United States and the economic impact of remittances are also discussed.

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