Miradas desde lo social en urbanismo, cultura, género e historia: Una perspectiva de jóvenes investigadores universitarios

By: Stefan Gandler, Oliva Solís Hernández, editores.

$ 24.75

ITEM: 178419
MIRADAS DESDE LO SOCIAL EN URBANISMO, CULTURA, GÉNERO E HISTORIA : UNA PERSPECTIVA DE JÓVENES INVESTIGADORES UNIVERSITARIOS. / Stefan Gandler, Oliva Solís Hernández, editores. Querétaro, Qro., México : Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 2015. 386 pages : illustrations; 22 cm. Bibliography at the end of each chapter Includes bibliographic references ISBN 9786075131634.
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This title defines, from a social perspective, fundamentally four themes: urban planning, culture, gender and history. This publication is the result of the work of thesis students who presented their research to obtain a degree at the Autonomous University of Querétaro, and the institution recognizes their efforts as a fundamental task, especially as they are young people interested in maintaining research work. 5 thesis works with diverse topics are presented here, most of which are focused on social movements, field studies and sociocultural analysis in Querétaro.

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