Miradas y voces en torno a la educación bilingüe indígena

By: Héctor Muñoz Cruz, editor.

$ 32.50

ITEM: 112048
Muñoz Cruz, Héctor. MIRADAS Y VOCES EN TORNO A LA EDUCACIÓN BILINGÜE INDÍGENA / Héctor Muñoz Cruz (Editor). Oaxaca: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Oaxaca; República de Chile: Ministerio de Educación, República de Chile, 2000. 273 pages: 28 cm.Bibliography at end of each chapter. Includes bibliographic references.
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Includes edited versions of all final reports written by Chilean rural teachers who were selected for the Program for Abroad Scholarships for Education Professionals from the Ministry of Education, Republic of Chile. Selected teachers participated in internships carried out in Oaxaca, México, during the years of 1998 and 1999.

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