Our hachet: Nuestra hacha
By: coordinación editorial, Gitzel Aleida Vidales Ibarra
$ 86.35
ITEM: 192310
OUR HACHET : NUESTRA HACHA. / Gitzel Aleida Vidales Ibarra (coordinator). Culiacán Rosales, Sinaloa, México : Creativos7 Editorial. 2009. 236 pages : includes photos ; 28 cm.
Product information
This edition is the product of an academic effort that aimed to rescue one of the most important sources to know the course of the northern region of the state of Sinaloa. Throughout these pages, the development of northern Sinaloa is made known in the last 120 years –at the time of publication of this book–, through the 37 issues of the newspaper published by Ira Kneeland and his collaborators. They were precisely witnesses of the eagerness of the settlers to promote the exploitation of natural resources typical of a region where late feudalism reigned, which prevented them from actively participating in the benefits of the Porfiriato.
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