Pagar los platos rotos
By: Miranda Juárez, Sarai
$ 31.50
ITEM: 197033
PAGAR LOS PLATOS ROTOS : VIOLENCIAS INTERSECCIONALES CONTRA NIÑAS, NIÑOS Y ADOLESCENTES TRABAJADORES DEL HOGAR EN CHIAPAS. / Sarai Miranda Juárez. México, Quintana Roo : El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, 2022. 175 pages : includes tables, photos, color photos, maps, semblance, bibliography ; 23 cm. ISBN : 9786078767588.
Product information
In Mexico, the State has been in charge of creating discourses based on the prohibition of child labor, however, it does not generate public policies aimed at observing and avoiding child domestic labor behind closed doors. Outside of social protection and at great risk of abuse and violence. In many cases, it has been detected that it is children and adolescents who leave their communities of origin for the cities due to a personal decision due to a poor quality of life and domestic conflicts. In this research, a discussion is raised about the validity of the practice of child and adolescent labor linked to children and adolescents of rural origin.
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