Secretos del mundo zapoteca

$ 27.50

ITEM: 142170
SECRETOS DEL MUNDO ZAPOTECA. / Eva E. Ramírez Gasga (compilator). Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, México : Universidad del Istmo, 2008. 321 pages : includes semblances, color photos, illustrations, maps, references, bibliography ; 23 cm. (Colección Universidad del Istmo). ISBN : 9789709979039.
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This title brings together the scientific research works presented during the VI Week of Zapotec Culture in June 2007, where the University of the Istmo brings together national and foreign scholars of Zapotec culture. This series of texts is part of the Universidad del Istmo Collection, which focuses its interest on preserving and promoting Istmeño culture. In each text, the author presents his reflections, raises questions and questions about various topics such as: the historical vision of the region, survival strategies of the people, the colonial churches of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mesoamerican numbering and the archeology of the Valley from Jalapa del Marqués.

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