Tabasco y desarrollo en el siglo XX: Enfoque de género

$ 27.50

ITEM: 128451
TABASCO Y DESARROLLO EN EL SIGLO XX : ENFOQUE DE GÉNERO. / Guadalupe Cano de Ocampo. Villahermosa, Tabasco, México : Poder Judicial del Estado de Tabasco , Tribunal Superior de Justicia , Consejo de la Judicatura del Estado de Tabasco, 2005. 367 pages : includes references, bibliography ; 21 cm. (Serie de Investigación). ISBN : 14054523. 
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The objective of this research is to highlight the prominent role and importance of women's work in the development of Tabasco, without sharing the myth that the work done by women within the home has no economic value when in reality it is in the home where men's work is based. Through research and biographical data of many significant women in the State of Tabasco, the author seeks to document data on the struggle by which women managed to access university education, their search to validate their rights, as well as to achieve visibility and revaluation of their work and existence.

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