El cuerpo humano entre los mayas: Una aproximación lingüística

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ITEM: 136927
EL CUERPO HUMANO ENTRE LOS MAYAS : UNA APROXIMACIÓN LINGÜÍSTICA. / Gabriel Bourdin. Mérida, Yucatán, México : Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, 2007. 432 pages : includes photos, tables, charts ; 23 cm. (Serie Libros Científicos ; Serie Tratados). ISBN : 9789706981387 (volumen) ; 9706981381 (volumen) ; 9686843897 (serie) ; 9686843892 (serie).
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The linguistic meaning of the human body provides specific forms and configurations to the psychological, cognitive and emotional characteristics of the speakers of a language. Through the colonial Mayan vocabulary referring to the body and its polysemic projections, it can be seen that the meanings respond to a powerful and systematic anthropomorphic motivation, much more coherent and notably more productive than that perceived in modern Spanish – which is the reference language. in the present study-. Included here are tables, photographs and graphs that help understand the meaning, use and custom of the human anatomy of the Mayans.

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