Los restos óseos humanos de la cueva de La Candelaria, Coahuila: Craneología

By: Arturo Romano Pacheco

$ 24.60

ITEM: 132120
LOS RESTOS ÓSEOS HUMANOS DE LA CUEVA DE LA CANDELARIA, COAHUILA : CRANEOLOGÍA. / Arturo Romano Pacheco. México, D.F. : Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2005. 93 pages : includes maps, photos, tables, bibliography ; 26 cm. (Colección Científica). ISBN : 9680301281.
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To obtain the master's degree at the National School of Anthropology and History, Arturo Romano Pacheco presented this text, thereby obtaining cum laude, the highest academic honor in this institution. The author exposes here both the geographical and temporal location and the cultural relationships that the individuals that make up the osteological series of the La Candelaria cave must have had, located in northern Mexico, Coahuila. The main objective of this research is to present the results of the study of the biological distances of the Candelarian people with other populations in America, making considerations about the settlement of the American continent.

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