
Entre el porfiriato y la revolución: El gobierno interino de Francisco León de la Barra

Por: Felipe Arturo Avila Espinosa

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ITEM: 127637
ENTRE EL PORFIRIATO Y LA REVOLUCIÓN : EL GOBIERNO INTERINO DE FRANCISCO LEÓN DE LA BARRA. / Felipe Arturo Ávila Espinosa. México, D.F. : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México , Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, 2005. 158 pages : includes bibliographic references, bibliography ; 23 cm. (Serie Historia Moderna y Contemporánea). ISBN : 9703227791.
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The research covers the transitional government period that followed Porfirio Díaz's resignation from the presidency and Francisco de León Ibarra's temporary assumption of office. The transitional government was born in the midst of an essential contradiction: it was the product of a triumphant popular revolution whose leaders wanted to promote political changes and solve the main social problems, and at the same time it was seen by conservative groups as the guarantee that their privileges would not be diminished. The interim government was a brief but intense period of political struggles between the new and old actors, where the new did not fully transcend and the old was not replaced.

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