Antes del herrero y después de la eternidad
By: Prieto Terrones, Jorge.
$ 30.95
ITEM: 199012
ANTES DEL HERRERO Y DESPUÉS DE LA ETERNIDAD: PUNTOS CIEGOS DE LA OBRA DE VÍCTOR SANDOVAL Y SALVADOR GALLARDO DÁVALOS. / Jorge Terrones. Aguascalientes, México : Gobierno del Estado de Aguascalientes : Instituto Cultural de Aguascalientes ; Universidad de las Artes ; Centro de Investigación y Estudios Literarios de Aguascalientes, 2022. 213 pages : includes index, photos, tables, notes, semblance, bibliography ; 22 cm. ISBN : 9786079444983.
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Research and analysis about the Víctor Sandoval's and Salvador Gallardo Dávalos' work, delving into the little national recognition they have despite their influence on personalities such as Marx, Marinetti and also Maples. The author explores various literary aspects and reflects on the literary work of Sandoval and Gallardo, as well as what his works can mean for other scholars of Mexican literature. The period under review covers from 1952 to 1962, this time is enough to establish an interrelation between the two, emerged and exposed in the five issues of the Asociación Cultura Aguascalentense magazine and the twenty issues of the Paralelo magazine.
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