Aquel Quetzalcóatl se fue pa’l norte


$ 18.50

ITEM: 183402
AQUEL QUETZALCÓATL SE FUE PA’L NORTE. / Rubén Medina. Guadalajara, México : Ediciones el viaje, 2018. 27 pages ; 22 cm. (Colección Viejo cartonero).
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Rubén Medina is a Mexican poet, translator, academic and one of the founders of the infrarealist movement at the end of 1975. He studied a bachelor's degree and a doctorate in Letters at the University of San Diego, California. In his work as a writer, he has dedicated himself to criticizing American and Mexican societies, talking about everyday life. Some of his poems are autobiographical reflections on the past, like this story written in verse, in the form of a poem. This is a special edition of Ediciones el viaje and, true to its style, it has a cardboard cover and handmade binding.

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