
By: Gerardo del Río

$ 12.65

ITEM: 185275
Río, Gerardo del. [POEMAS]. / Gerardo del Río. Zacatecas, México : Cartonera La Cecilia, 2018.  [10 sheets unpaged] : includes : photo ; 23 cm.
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Product information

Gerardo del Río has been a member of literary creation and plastic arts workshops taught by recognized coordinators, he has published in various newspapers and magazines, as well as illustrated some books, and published others for small publishers. Presented here are a series of seven short poems filled with images and references to nature. Some of the poems have a clear dedication, allowing the reader to get closer to the author and feel about him. This edition belongs to Cartonera La Cecilia, so its manufacture is a handmade work bound in cardboard with a unique cover.

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