Arteterapia y musicoterapia contra la violencia

By: Teresa Fernández de Juan

$ 36.25

ITEM: 201361
ARTETERAPIA Y MUSICOTERAPIA CONTRA LA VIOLENCIA : EXPERIENCIAS EN COMUNIDADES MEXICANAS Y CUBANAS. / Teresa Fernández de Juan. Tijuana, Baja California, México : El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, 2023. 318 pages : includes photos, tables, charts, bibliography; 22 cm. ISBN : 9786074795400.
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This research is the product of years of intervention, synthesis, analysis and reflection, crossing theories with a gender perspective, feminist and musical, to offer a method – with an ethical and therapeutic sense – that helps prevent, act and contain violence. through music and art. The objective of this text is to make visible the connection between the prevention and care of different gender violence from art therapy and music therapy, based on own experiences. The author manages to address Mexican and Cuban culture through myths, gender stereotypes and d techniques.

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