Arqueología del México antiguo

By: Eduardo Matos Moctezuma

$ 80.80

ITEM: 141023
ARQUEOLOGÍA DEL MÉXICO ANTIGUO. / Eduardo Matos Moctezuma México, D.F. : Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia ; Milan, Italia : Editoriale Jaca Book SpA, 2010. 384 pages : includes color illustrations, notes, bibliography ; 34 cm. ISBN : 9786074841183.
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The history of archeology in Mexico dates back to the pre-Hispanic period, when the Mexica carried out excavations in the city of Teotihuacan. The archaeological past of Mexico is closely related to the construction of the modern nation, since the imaginary of the indigenous past and the events of its gradual discovery make up the national identity and give unity to the country. This title offers the reader a book with color illustrations, photographs, maps, notes and a complete bibliography to provide extensive coverage of the archaeological discoveries of pre-hispanic civilizations.

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