Catálogo de los cráneos aislados de la Colección Solórzano

$ 19.80

ITEM: 132123
CATÁLOGO DE LOS CRÁNEOS AISLADOS DE LA COLECCIÓN SOLÓRZANO. / Josefina Bautista Martínez, Albertina Ortega Palma. México, D.F. : Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2005. 183 pages : includes tables, photos, illustrations ; 26 cm. (Colección Científica). ISBN : 9680301524.
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Intentional cranial deformation was a widely accepted and widespread cultural practice among the peoples of Mesoamerica. In this study, Joséfina Bautista Martínez and Albertina Ortega Palma provide the results of the analysis of more than 500 human skulls that are part of the Solórzano Collection (collection accumulated over several decades by the engineer Federico A. Solórzano Barreto). This research is based on the interest in knowing and disseminating in great detail the specimens with types and varieties of deformation that are uncommon in other collections and regions of Mexico and America.

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