Chignahuapan Sierra norte de Puebla: Voces y miradas de su historia, 2 tomos

By: Ramón Kuri Camacho

$ 57.50

ITEM: 131829
CHIGNAHUAPAN : SIERRA NORTE DE PUEBLA : VOCES Y MIRADAS DE SU HISTORIA, 2 TOMOS. / Fifth edition. Ramón Kuri Camacho. Puebla, México : Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla , Dirección de Fomento Editorial ; Ayuntamiento de Chignahuapan, 2006. 2 volumes : includes photos, references, bibliographic references ; 21 cm. ISBN :  968863896X.
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The author's mastery of language and grammar allows him to work with writings from the classics and humanists in the Middle Ages until the end of the 17th century, who reflected and wrote in the language of the Layman. This quality is what distinguishes him mainly to faithfully and clearly understand the content of manuscripts and rare books that are preserved ancient, valuable and, often forgotten, in Mexico. In this title, Kuri Camacho ventures into the history of his small land, paying attention to its diversity, offering historiographic work and exhumation of archives and documents, helping to reconstruct part of the Sierra Norte.

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